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Women's Megilla Reading

Kinor David hosts regular Megilla readings for women by women. Esther, Kohelet, Shir Hashirim, Eicha and Ruth are all read in women-only gatherings. Join us for this very special experience!

Special Bat Mitzva Events

Bat Mitzva is celebrated in a special way. A special ceremony where the girl and the women of her family stand in front of Aron Hakodesh and the girl declares her acceptance of the Mitzvot.
This ceremony was adopted from a custom common among Italian jews.

Some Bat-Mitzva girls have a women-only Mincha prayer on Shabbat, together with Tora reading by the Bat Mitzva (according to strict Orthodox standards)

Women on Simchat Tora

The women dance with Tora scrolls during Hakafot.

Alongside the Chatan Tora and Bereshit, each year 2 women are selected as Kalat Tora and Kalat Bereshit. They give a Dvar Tora

Women's Shabbat Mincha

We gather every month for a women's Mincha and  Seuda Shlishit.

(Note: This picture was not taken on Shabbat!)

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© 2016 Congregation Kinor David Raanana 

Join us for Shabbat services at Beit HaNo'ar:

Ahuza 157 (at HaSharon Street), Raanana, Israel 4330101 

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