The Shabbat Project 2017

שבת עולמית רעננה 2017
The Shabbat Project 2017- Ra'anana
95 Countries.
1250 Cities around the world including Morocco and Mount Kilimanjaro.
166 Cities, Kibbutzim and Moshavim across Israel.
Ra’anana is also celebrating The Shabbat Project!
Shivtei Yisrael Community in conjunction with the Ra’anana municipality invites you to join in the various activities taking place as part of the Shabbat Project
Keeping the legacy of our beloved Rabbi Beller ז"ל.
Celebrate one Shabbat TOGETHER – Shabbat Lech Lecha
Communal Challah Bake 24/10/2017, Tuesday, Doors open at 19:45. Event starts at 20:30 sharp.
Tichon Aviv, Sports Hall, 1 Haprachim Street.
Languages: English, Hebrew, Spanish and Portuguese
Ohl Ari Synagogue, 98 Ravutzki Street.
Language: French
To register and pay please click on the following link (payment includes all ingredients and utensils):
להפרשת חלה בעברית
Challah Bake English
Tickets can also be purchased by paying Cash or Cheque at the Shivtei Yisrael offices – 17 Har Sinai Street, Ra’anana 09-7741842
Reservation will be confirmed on receipt of payment
Friday: 27/10/2017 at 13:30 – CrossFit training for families at Uri Gordon Park, Ben Gurion Street Ra’anana.
Communal Kabalat Shabbat and Tefilah – Yad Lebanim Ra’anana, starting at 17:45 Mincha.
Motzei Shabbat: 28/10/2017 starting at 19:15 Communal Musical Havdalah with singer Gabi Shachat and DJ.
We encourage everyone to take part by initiating Shabbat meals with your neighbours/friends/family across the city and celebrate Shabbat TOGETHER.