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Membership Fees ּ+ seats for Yamim Noraim

As is customary for our community, in anticipation of Rosh Hashanah, we are requesting members (and those who would like to join) to pay membership fees for the upcoming year

Annual membership fees are 1,800 NIS (150 NIS per month) for a family, or 900 NIS (75 NIS per month) for an individual

Membership fees include 4 seats for the Yamim Noraim per family

There is an option to purchase additional seats or seats for guests at 360NIS for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur or 240NIS for Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur

These fees do not cover all of the actual costs to provide all of the services to our community

Therefore, we would very much request that, for those families who are able, to include a donation to help cover costs. This year we brought visiting lecturers, we expanded the activities for the youth and bought new equipment

Please send your checks(s) to cover membership to

Kety Family

36/11 Ostrovsky

Ra’anana 4337218

(Please make your check(s) out to “Kvutzat Yinnon” (and not Kinor David

You can also pay by bank transfer to

Kvutzat Yinon

Bank Mizrahi - Branch 423 - Account 112042


This year, IY"H, services will be held on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in the sport facilities of Rimon Jr. High School, 5 Moshe Dayan St Services on Shabbat Shuva will be at Beit Hanoar

In order to register for seats and membership please fill out the forms below by Sept 1, motzaei Shabbat parashat Ki Tavo

(Holiday seats (Places will only be reserved after payment of membership

Family details if you didn't fill them out last year or there were any changes

Individual information

(Please fill out a form for each member of the family including children)

If you have any question or suggestions, or find it difficult to pay the amounts mentioned above please feel free to contact Gail at 052-377-7408 after 21:00 or by email:


© 2016 Congregation Kinor David Raanana

כתבו לנו:

הצטרפו אלינו לתפילת שבת בבית הנוער ברעננה

אחוזה 157 רעננה, ליד רחוב השרון

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