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Megillah reading on Purim

Men and women, above bar/bat mitzvah age, are required to hear Megillah on Purim, in the evening and in the morning. We will hold a number of readings both inside, up to 60 people (for green passport holders or those with a recovery certificate) and outside up to 40 people (for everyone).

Children should attend the outdoor readings.

In addition, we will hold Megillah readings for women only [women read for women] at Matan, inside, up to 100 women (for green passport holders or those with a recovery certificate) and outside, up to 20 women (for everyone). According to the guidelines, someone who wishes to attend services inside the synagogue - must register in advance and send a green passport or recovery certificate. Without fulfilling these 2 conditions - we are not allowed to let you enter the synagogue, and we will not receive permission from the city to hold prayers or the reading of the Megillah inside. Participation in the Megillah readings will be on the basis of pre-registration only. Therefore, we will not be able to admit people without registration.

Schedule of readings

1. Beit Hanoar - Inside and outside Evening Round 1 – 6pm Arvit and Megilah reading Inside and outside

Round 2 – 7:15pm Megilah reading Inside and outside

Morning Round 1 - 7:30am Shacharit and Megila reading Inside and outside

Round 2 – 9:30 Megilah reading Inside and outside

=> Registration for Beit Hanoar

2. Matan (Women only)

Evening Round 1 – 6:30pm Megilah reading Outside

Round 2 – 7:30 Megilah reading Inside and outside


Round 1 – 8:30am Megilah reading Inside and outside

Round 2 – 9:30am Megilah reading Outside

Round 3 – 10:30am Megilah reading Outside

=> Registration for Matan

What about hearing Megila on Zoom?

There is disagreement among poskim today as to whether it is possible to rely on zoom, even in times of distress.

Therefore, I recommend not to rely on it, but to look for other solutions. Even, for example, someone who is in quarantine - can read to themselves, from a kosher scroll, with the help of someone in a separate room or even on the phone, who will only correct the reading of the words, even if he reads without the teamim; Or someone will come with a kosher scroll to read for them from another room or from outside the window.

Only for those who have no other solution - there are opinions that can be relied on for using zoom.

I would be happy to answer questions and help find solutions for those who need.

Harav Tzvi



© 2016 Congregation Kinor David Raanana

כתבו לנו:

הצטרפו אלינו לתפילת שבת בבית הנוער ברעננה

אחוזה 157 רעננה, ליד רחוב השרון

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