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Membership and Registration for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur 5783 at Kinor David

September 2022

Ellul 5782

Dear Members of Kinor David,

Let us start a new year together, like in the good old days before Corona, and even better!

We all went through two challenging and dramatic years. As a congregation, we made efforts to protect our members, accommodate their needs and keep the cohesion of Kinor David. While sanitary rules required outdoor services, separate “pods”, masks, … we had to innovate in order to keep our tradition of reaching out to others. We strived to keep in contact with isolated or elderly members of our community and we discreetly supported needy families. We love singing together in the Kinor David style but we had to sing for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdala over Zoom. We even shortened the Tefilot of Yamim Noraim in order to protect ourselves and protect the more sensitive members of our congregation.

All this is behind us now, thanks G. Let us return to our synagogue, all of us together, to pray, learn, sing and even dance with each other, meet each other “in real”, welcome new people and care for others, in the best tradition of Kinor David. Let us enjoy the strong values of our community inspired by the Rav Tzvi and Rabbanit Oshra. Let us strengthen Kinor David!

The first step is for you, your family and your friends to all become Members of Kinor David for 5783 (2023). The annual membership fee is modest (40 NIS per family), on purpose. Money should never be a reason not to participate in our community. Since we also need to finance many activities and charity, we kindly ask our members to also make a general donation to Kinor David. Overall, we can balance our budget with an average of 2,000 NIS per family for the 5783 year / 1,000 NIS for an individual (monthly payments of 170 NIS per family per month / 85 NIS for an individual). We thank you in advance for any additional donation you could make.

The membership gives you access to all our activities. It includes the reservation of as many seats as needed by your family for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. For the visitors during the Hagim, we recommend a donation of 360 NIS per seat.

The services of the Hagim will be organized in the vast, air-conditioned sport hall of Rimon School. We trust that we will be able to have “normal” services this year, with no more limitations.

Our Community remains open and welcoming to everyone. Unfortunately, we cannot commit to have a seat for those who do not register in advance, so you must register to guarantee your seat for the High Holidays.

Next steps are rather simple:

1. Register as a Member of Kinor David, pay your membership for 5783 and make a donation, by following this link

2. Register for the High Holidays for your family, for Rosh HaShana and for Yom Kippur. We need one form for each “core family”:

3. Make sure that all your relatives and friends who appreciate Kinor David also register. Please explain that we need to know the number of people who will join our Tefila. There is a lot of logistics and significant costs entailed in order to welcome everybody, and we are GLAD to do it. So please help us by registering in advance.

Please become a member and register as soon as possible, so we can together get organized for starting the New Year with meaningful and effective Tefilot.

The Board of Kinor David



© 2016 Congregation Kinor David Raanana

כתבו לנו:

הצטרפו אלינו לתפילת שבת בבית הנוער ברעננה

אחוזה 157 רעננה, ליד רחוב השרון

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